Vacation Bible SchoolTogether with our partner congregations, Bethlehem Lutheran Church (1767 Plank Rd) and Transfiguration Lutheran Church (3760 Culver Road), we put on a fun-filled week of Vacation Bible School when kids learn about faith and the Bible through music, crafts, drama, science, games, and thematic snacks. Watch this website for more info as the time for VBS draws near. |  Sunday SchoolSunday School is online right now at 9:00 am on Sundays. When we can gather in person, Sunday School takes place during worship every Sunday of the school year except the third Sunday of the month, when children stay in the sanctuary with their families. |  Christmas Stocking MinistryEach year we raise money and stuff close to 600 stockings for needy children in our community. Stockings include hats, gloves, scarves, socks, school supplies, dental hygiene products, and of course some candy and toys. Stockings are distributed through food cupboards in Monroe and Wayne Counties. |
 Youth GroupOur youth group, made up of kids from 6th to 12th grade, gathers monthly for activities ranging from social events like going out to movies, to pool parties and Harvest Festivals, to service projects. We are excited to see how this youth group will develop. Come be a part of it! |  Little Free PantryWe collect non-perishable foods as well as fruit and baked goods, and try to keep the Little Free Pantry stocked. It is located adjacent to our parking lot and used regularly by members of our community. Feel free to donate food to this little pantry to help our neighbors. |  Barnabas MinistryWhile we love to serve the outside community, we also serve each other, especially through our Barnabas Ministry. Barnabas was one of the Apostle Paul’s companions, and his name means “encouragement.” Hence our Barnabas ministers engage in “encouraging” ministries to members of our congregation, including home communion visits for shut-ins, sending cards, delivering meals, and giving rides to church. |
 Mad HattersSeveral of us get together monthly to make hats and scarves for our Christmas Stocking Project and other local ministries. We have knitting needles, crochet hooks, hand looms, and sewing machines going strong year-round! Join us anytime! |  ConfirmationConfirmation is a learning opportunity for youth ages 12-14. Students learn about the Bible and the Lutheran understanding of faith. They also learn what it means to serve God and neighbor. Participation in our youth group begins in confirmation and continues into high school, when the kids gather monthly for social events, service opportunities, and more. |  Maggie's KidsMaggie’s Kids is a Community Lutheran Ministry in the city of Rochester that provides an after school program. St. Martin provides snacks, Christmas presents, our hearts and hands, and more as needs arise. |